MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.

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32-bit biti-32
about kuhusu
accelerator kichapuzi
accessing ufikio
access (n) fikio (n)
access (v) fikia (t)
account akaunti
actions menu menyu-vitendo
activate amilisha
acute kali
adapter adapta
add ongeza
add-on help msaada nyongeza
add-on nyongeza
address anwani
address book kitabu cha anwani
adjust rekebisha
administrator mtawala
alert me nitahadharishe
alert (n) tahadhari
alert (v) tahadharisha
alias jina jingine
allocate tenga
allocation (n) mtengo (result)
allocation (v) utengaji (process)
all -ote
allow popup from this site ruhusu udukizi kutoka tovuti hii
allow ruhusu
alphabetic text character kiwambo alfabeti
Alt (Alternate) (Kbdl) Kibadala
ampersand ampasendi
animation uhuishaji
anonymity ufichojina
Aperture Value Thamani Upenyo
apparition mzuko
appears to be huonekana kuwa
applet apuleti
application (s) programu-tumizi
apply tekeleza
arccosine kosinitao
archive (n) jalada (n)
archive (v) jalidi (t)
array formula fomula pahi
article kikala
artificial bandia
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) ASCII
(Msimbo Sanifu wa Marekani wa Mabadilishano ya Habari)
assigned -liopangiwa
asterisk kinyota
at -enye
attachment funge
attribute(s) sifa
authentication uhalisishaji
authorization uidhinishaji
author mtunzi
autocomplete kamilisha kiotomati
auto correct rekebisha kiotomati
auto detected -li-ogunduliwa kiotomati
auto-detect gundua kiotomati
autoFormat (n) Fomati Otomati (n)
autoFormat (v) Fomati Kiotomati (t)
autoload pakia-kiotomati
automatic detection ugunduzi kiotomati
auto-reliable -a kuaminika kiotomati
back button kitufe rejeshi
backend kisogoni
background color rangi usuli
background usuli
backslash(e)s mkwajunyuma
backward moderated -li-orekebishwa kinyume
bad address anwani potofu
bandwidth upana-bendi
bar mwambaa
baud baudi
BBS (Bulletin Board Service) HUM (Huduma za Ubao wa Matangazo)
beamer kimweko
beam mweka
beta beta
bevel matemo
Bidi options Hiyari tandawili
binary (adj) jozi (kv)
binary (n) jozi (n)
bit biti
bitmap taswidoti
blank uwazi
blind carbon copy (bcc) nakala fiche (bcc)
block (a command) zuia (amri)
block device kitunza data
blocked iliozuiwa
block (n) duta
body gimba
bold (adj) koze (kv)
bold (v) koza (t)
bookmark link alamisho
bookmark (v) alamisha (t)
bookmark (v) alamisha (t)
Boolean Buleani
Boolean operations matendo Buleani
border relief nafasi-kingo
border(s) (u)kingo
bounce shindwa kufika
bouncing block duta shinde
box kisanduku
brackets mabano
browse (for file) vinjaria (faili)
browser Kivinjari
browse vinjari
bubble (n) kiputo
buffer bafa
bugs hitilafu
built-in -a ndani
bulleted list orodha tobwe
bullet points alama tobo
bullet tobo
button kitufe
buttons: exit vitufe: toka
byte(s) baiti
cache kache
calculator kikokotoo
call-in mwito-ingia
call-out mwito-toka
call preference mwito teule
cancel ghairi
caption maelezo mafupi
capture (v) nasa (t)
carbon copy (cc) nakala (cc)
carriage return kirudishi
carrying case mfuko
CD/CD-ROM/compact disk diski-ROM
certificate manager Meneja Ithibati
certificate viewer kionyesha hati
change badili
channel (n) mkondo (n)
character set seti kibambo
chart chati
chat group kundi sogozi
chat sogoa
check box kisanduku tiki
check for tafuta
check (n) tiki (n)
checksum namba thibitishi
check (v) tiki (t)
children (hierarchy) watoto (kingazi)
chime mlio kengele
chip chipu
choose chagua
chooser mchaguzi
chunks vipande
cipher msimbo
ciphers misimbo
clash siga
clear (a) -liotanduka
clear tandua
click bofya
client koteja
client-server relationship uhusiano koteja-seva
clients koteja
clip pogoa
clobber zana
clone kloni
close (a) -a karibu
close funga
closer karibu zaidi
closest -a karibu sana
collapse kunja
collate pangilia
collect e-mail sanya barua e-
colon nukta pacha
color capabilities uwezo kirangi
colorspace masafa rangi
colour resolution msongo rangi
column span upana safu-wima
command amuru (t)
command line invocations miito ya mstari amri
command line (n) mstari amri
command (n) amri
common -a kwawida
compatibility utangamano
compatible tangamana
com port (communications port) mlango wa mawasiliano
composer programu tunzi
compose tunga
computer kompyuta
computer-literate arifu kompyuta
concatenate funganisha
concatenations mifunganisho
configuration file faili sanidi
configuration usanidi
configuration utility programu sanidi
configure (ku) sanidi
connection failure unganisho shinde
connect unganisha
controller cards kadi dhibiti
control (n) kidhibiti
control panel paneli dhibiti
controls vidhibiti
control (v) dhibiti (t)
converge kutana
convergence kutano
converter kigeuzi
convert geuza
cookie kuki
copy nakili
corrupted -li-ovurugika
corrupt vuruga
counter kihesabio
country code msimbo nchi
cracker mharabu
crash kwama
create links unda viungo
create unda
credentials hati tambulishi
credits heko
crop pogoa
cross-posting usambazaji
cross-post (v) sambaza
Ctrl (control) Kdbt (kidhibiti)
curly brackets mabano wimbi
curly quotes nukuu wimbi
cursor kasa
customized -li-okaidishwa
customize kaidisha
custom kaida
cut kata
daemon dimoni
data area eneodata
data bank kanzidata
database hifadhidata
data bit biti data
data data
debugging weuaji
debug (n) euo
debug (v) eua
decision uamuzi
decode simbua
dedicated -li-owakifishwa
default chaguo-msingi
default gateway lango-msingi
default search engine injini-tafuti msingi
default value thamani msingi
Del (delete) Futa (futa)
delete futa
deleting ufutaji
deletion mfuto
deletions mifuto
delimiter kitenganishi
deliver (v) wasilisha (t)
deprecated -li-okonga
desktop dawati
destination mwishilio
detect gundua
device independent -sochagua kifaa
device kifaa
device manager meneja vifaa
diagnostics uchunguzi
dial dayo (n)
dialogue box kisanduku cha mawasiliano
dial out (v) dayo nje (t)
dial tone mlio dayo
dial-up (adj) -a dayo
dial-up networking mtandao simu
dial-up (v) dayo (t)
digital camera kamera dijiti
digital signature saini dijiti
digit dijiti
direction mwelekeo
directory saraka
disable lemaza
disconnect tenganisha
disk capacity uwezo wa diski
disk diski
disk space nafasi ya diski
display class daraja zinzo
displayed zinzwe
display (n) zinzo (n)
display (v) zinza (t)
disposition mpangilio
document andiko
documentation mwongozo
domain kikoa
done gotoka
double-click bofyabofya
download pakua
down (vi) shuka
down (vt) shusha
drag and drop kokota na dondosha
drag kokota
drawing object bar mwambaa vichorea
driver dreva
dual mode modurufu
dump dampo
dump (v) tupa damponi (t)
dynamic IP-address anwani-IP badilifu
edit (the action) hariri
edit (the button) kihariri (kitufe)
eject fyatua
e-mail barua e-
embedded futike
emoticon kikaragosi
emulator kiigizi
enable wezesha
encode simba (t)
encrypted msimbo fiche
encrypted text matini-msimbo fiche
encryption usimbaji fiche
enhance boresha
enhanced bora
enter (n) ingizo
enter (v) ingiza
entry ingizo
envelope orientation mkao wa bahasha
environment variable kibadili kimazingira
error hitilafu
Esc (escape) Epa (epuka)
events matukio
executable file(s) faili tekelezi
execute tekeleza
exit buttons vitufe vya kutokea
exit toka
expand tanua
export hamisha
extension tawi
external -a nje
face type aina ya chapa
fail shindwa
false si kweli
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) MYM (Maswali Yaulizwayo Marakwamara)
favourite kibwedo
field uga
file faili
file transfer protocol (FTP) itifaki ya kuhawilisha faili (IKF)
filter (n) chujio
filter (v) chuja
find tafuta
finish maliza
firewall ngome
flags viboya
floppy disk diski tepe
flow control udhibiti wa mtiririko
folder folda
font fonti
footer wayo
footnote tiniwayo
format (n) fomati (n)
format (v) fomati (t)
forum ukumbi
forward slash mkwaju
frame fremu
free (to ~ up space on disk) toa nafasi
freeware programu dezo
frequency dafaa
frontend usoni
full-screen mode Modi skrini-nzima
FYI (For Your Information) KTY (Kwa Taarifa Yako)
game(s) mchezo
gateway lango
gigabyte gigabaiti
glossary faharasa
grant permission idhini ruzuku
graphic mchoro
greater than kubwa kuliko
guest mgeni
hacker mdukizi
handshake mkono
hang up Kata simu
hang (v) kata
hard drive – disk diski kuu
hardware maunzi
hash reli
header kichwa
height kimo
help msaada
hide ficha
highlight (v) angaza
hint dokezo
history historia
home button kitufe mwanzo
home directory saraka kaya
home page gombo kaya
host mwenyeji
hypertext matinifora
hyphenation unganishaji
icon ikoni
idle (n) bwete
image taswira
import leta
inbox kisanduku pokezi
inconsistency usongombingo
inconsistent songombingo
indent (v) jongeza ndani
info taarifa
inner margin pambizo ndani
input box kisanduku ingizo
input ingizo
insert cells down chomeka seli chini
insert chomeka
install sakinisha (t)
integrated fungamana
interactive wasilianifu
interface kusano
Internet Wavuti
invalid batili
invite alika
IP (Internet Protocol) IP (Itifaki Wavuti)
ISP (Internet Service Provider) ISP (Mtoaji Huduma Wavuti)
italic italiki
Javascript hatiJava
jobs (e.g. print jobs) kazi (k.m. kazi za kuchapa)
join unga
junk mail barua taka
justified linganifu
keep track fuatilia
keyboard baobonye
key (on keyboard) kibonye (katika kibodi)
keyword neno msingi
kilobyte kilobaiti
kit kivunge
label lebo
LAN (local area network) LAN (mtandao kiambo)
last modified rekebisho la mwisho
last visited tembeleo la mwisho
launch zindua
layer tabaka
layout mpangilio
link kiungo
link (to) unga
list orodha
load pakia
locale -a kiambo
log file faili kumbukumbu
login (info) kuingia (maelezo)
log in ingia
log out toka
log (v) tunza kumbukumbu
lowercase herufi ndogo
mailbox sanduku la barua
mailing list orodha anwani
manager meneja
manual mwongozo
margin pambizo
mark alama
master kuu
match oanisha
maximise tanua
mean -a kati
megabyte (MB) megabaiti (MB)
member mwanachama
memory kumbukumbu
menu bar mwambaa-menyu
menu menyu
menu proxies menyu proksi
message ujumbe
microphone mikrofoni
minimise finya
mirror kioo (n)
mirror (v) akisi (t)
mismatch (v) sigana
modem (modulator-demodulator) modemu (modu-demodu)
mode modi
moderated -li-orekebishwa
modify rekebisha
monitor (n) monita
monitor (v) simamia (t)
mouse pad kata puku
mouse puku
mousewheel gurudumu puku
move (v) sogeza (t)
multimedia medianuwai
multiple recipient wapokezi anuwai
name server seva majina
navigate rambaza
network mtandao
new -pya
newsgroup kundihabari
newsletter kijarida
next ifuatayo
nickname lakabu
non-blank isoachwa tupu
none bila
notify arifu
not writeable -sioandikika
numbering uingizaji namba
objects viumbile
offline (go ~) nje ya mkondo (nenda ~)
offline nje ya mkondo
online mkondoni
open fungua
open software localization project mradi wa kuswahilisha programu
open source chanzo huria
operation(s) operesheni
operator opereta
optional -a hiari
option chaguo
organise pangilia
outbox kisanduku toa
outer margin pambizo nje
output zao
overwrite (v) andikiza (t)
page gombo
page orientation mkao wa gombo
paginate kurasisha
parent (hierarchy) mzazi (kingazi)
password nywila
paste bandika
path njia
pause pauzi
percentage asilimia
permission (s) ruhusa
pick twaa
picture picha
pie pai
pixels piseli
plug-in (n) programu-jalizi (n)
plug in (v) chomeka plagi (t)
pointer kidosa
point nukta (n)
point (v) dosa (t)
popup (n) kidukizo (n)
popup (v) dukizo (t)
power umeme
preferences aula
prefix kiambishi awali
press bonyeza
preview hakiki
print chapisha
printer printa
print job kazi ya kuchapisha
privacy faragha
processing uchakataji
process mchakato
program programu
progress hatua
properties sifa
protocol itifaki
Public Domain Software Programu Huria
query ulizo (n)
query (v) uliza (t)
queue (n) foleni (n)
queue (v) panga foleni (t)
quit aga
radio button kitufe redio
range masafa
read soma
reboot washa upya
receive pokea
recipient mpokezi
recover nusuru
recycle bin kisuduru
redirection uelekezaji
redo rudia
reference rejeo
Ref: Yah:
Re: Jb:
reliable -a kuaminika
reload pakia upya
remove ondoa
rename badili jina
repaginate kurasisha upya
replace badilisha
reply jibu
requirement mahitaji
reset seti upya
resource rasilimali
response jibu
restart washa upya
resume anza upya
retry jaribu upya
return rejea
retype chapa upya
round brackets mabano
rules kanuni
run endesha
save hifadhi
scale (v) skeli (t)
scanner skana
scan (v) skani (t)
schedule ratiba
screensaver kilezi
screenshot kielelezo-skrini
screen skrini
script hati
scroll bar mwambaa biringizo
scroll biringiza
search engine injini tafuti
search tafuta
sectors sekta
secure (n) salama
secure (v) salimisha
security usalama
security warning hadhari ya usalama
select all teua -ote
selection uteuzi
select teua
semi-colon nukta mkato
send tuma
separator (delimiter) kitenganishi
server seva
service huduma
session kipindi
set as seti kama
settings vipimo
set to true seti kwenye kweli
setup usanidi
share changio (n)
share (v) changia (t)
sheet laha
shortcut mkato
show onesha
shutdown zima
sidebar mwambaa pembe
signal ishara
signature saini
sign in ingia
sign off toka
sine sini
single-click bofya
site tovuti
size saizi
skip ruka
slash mkwaju
slave (adj) joli (v)
slider kitelezi
slide telezesha
small caps herufi kubwa ndogo
smiley kicheshi
software programu
sort criteria kigezo mpango
sort panga
source chanzo
spam (v) peleka barua taka (t)
spell-checker kikagua tahajia
spell checking ukaguzi tahajia
split gawa
spreadsheet lahajedwali
square brackets mabano mraba
static IP-address anwani-IP tuli
status hali
store ghili
string (n) utungo
stuck goma
style sheet laha mtindo
subject line mstari mada
submit wasilisha
subscribe jiunga
suffix kiambishi tamati
surf rambaza
suspend subirisha
syntactical error hitilafu ya kisintaksia
syntax sintaksia
system mfumo
tab key kibonye tabo
tab tabo
tag tagi
tangent tanjiti
tape tepu
target lengo
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) IKU (Itifaki ya Kudhibiti
template templeti
terminate katisha
text matini
theme mandhari
thumbnail kijipicha
tilde kiwimbi
time elapsed muda uliotumika
timeout muda umeisha
time remaining muda uliobaki
tips vidokezo
toggle gura
toolbar mwambaa zana
tool zana
topic mada
transferable hawilishika
transfer (v) hawilisha (t)
transmit rusha
trash taka
true kweli
undelete futua
underline pigia mstari
undo tengua
uninstall sakinusha
unread -siosomwa
unsubscribe jiengua
update sasisha
upgrade (v) boresha
upload pakia
uppercase herufi kubwa
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) KISARA (Kioneshi Sanifu Rasilimali)
user mtumiaji
username jina la mtumiaji
utilities vitumika
valid halali
verify thibitisha
version toleo
view angalia
view (v) angalia (t)
virtual mnemba
virus kirusi
volume ujazo
wallpaper pazia
warn (v) tahadharisha (t)
watch tazama
webmaster mtawala tovuti
web page gombo wavu
website tovuti
web wavu
widget wiji
width upana
window dirisha
wizard sogora
word processor kichakata matini
workspace ulingo
wrap fungasha
write andika
write-protected -liokingwa kuandikwa
WWW (World Wide Web) WWW (Wavu Wa Ulimwengu)
Mwl Maeda

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